Normal mode of shipment are - "Sea Freight" and "Air Freight". However we also use Courier, Post, EMS etc. upon requests from customers. It is your option to ask for prices inclusive of shipping costs or we can send the goods on "Freight To Collect basis".

The shipping charges vary according to the size of shipment, destination and Mode of dispatch. C.I.F. rates are quoted if you inform us the exact quantity, destination and mode of dispatch preferred by you.

You can contact S S Technomed (P) Limited by E-mail, Fax, phone and post.

Contact Person
Mr. Naveen Sharma / Ms. Bhavna Sharma

A-128, Sector A-4, Tronica City, UPSIDC INDUSTRIAL AREA , LONI GAZIABAD. (U.P.) (India)

Regd. Office
20-F Block, LSC, Ashok Vihar, Phase-I, Delhi-110052

Mobile No.
+91-7042097268, 9811098577, 9654866768

Phone No.
+91-120-2696390, 0120-2696391

Fax No.

Email 1: sstechnomed2@gmail.com
Email 2: bhavna@sstechnomed.com

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